Glossary of Terms
Access Pass Point
The point system has been assigned for all Auvoria Prime products.
Personal Access Pass Points
The Access Pass Points result from personal purchases by an Auvoria Prime Customer or Affiliate.
Team Access Pass Points
The Access Pass Points result from the individual purchases of the personally referred Customer/Affiliate.
Total Team Access Pass Points
The Access Pass Points accumulated from the individual purchases of the personally-referred customers of an Auvoria Prime Customer or Affiliate plus up to one of the Personal Access Pass Points of that same Customer or Affiliate.
Personal Team Renewal Points
The Daily Average Access Pass Points a Customer’s personally-referred, successfully renewed customers have had in the last 30 days. These personally-referred customers must have been active for more than 30 days and must not be qualified for “3 for FREE.”
This is a User who has an Active Affiliate Subscription.
Inactive Customer or Affiliate
This is a Customer or Affiliate who, while he/she has an Active Affiliate Subscription, does not have any personal Pass points or any Team Access Pass Points.
Qualified Customer or Affiliate
This is a Customer or Affiliate who has one or more Team Access Pass Points but no Personal Access Pass Points.
POP Qualified Customer or Affiliate
This is a Customer or Affiliate who has one or more Personal Access Pass Points.
An Affiliate must be Commission-Qualified to earn the Legacy Rewards.
To be Commission-Qualified, an Affiliate must:
- Have two (2) or more personally-referred Customers/Affiliates with paid Active Access Pass Points.
- Have one personally referred Customer/Affiliate with paid Active Access Pass Points in each leg.
- Have a total Team Pass points of 6 or more (2 of the Affiliate’s own Active Pass Points may count).
55% Customer Check
This is a process that is done on each leg to make sure that at least 55% of the Access Points from each leg are Access Points from Customers.
To Complete this check we do the following steps:
- Add all of the Access points from all Customers in one leg.
- Add all the Access points from all Affiliates in one leg.
- Add the total Customer Access Points and total Affiliate Access Points.
- We then take the total Access points and multiply that number by 55% (this is the customer check value).
- The system will then check to see if the total Customer Access points for that leg are more or less than the customer check value.
- If the Customer Access points are more than or equal to the customer check value, then the True Leg Access Points are equal to the Total Leg Access Points.
- If the Customer Access points are less than or equal to the customer check value, then the True Leg Access Points are equal to the Total Customer Access Points divided by 55%. (This ensures that the Total Leg Points used for calculating commission have at least 55% Customer Access Points