Auvoria Prime wants to open its doors to all of the countries of the world and its citizens. However, many items prevent us from doing business with everyone. We intend to fully support and maintain compliance with these regulatory bodies that serve to protect their citizens.
Countries Under Sanctions by the United States
First, several countries are under sanction by the United States. You can find a list of these countries at,
If a person from one of these countries attempts to access the Auvoria Prime website, they will find that we have restricted their country from accessing our website using the Cloudflare firewall rules.
If a person from one of the restricted and sanctioned countries went around the firewall and manage to purchase through the Auvoria Prime website, and this is discovered, it is a violation of our terms, policies, and procedures, and their subscription will be terminated.
Countries Under Specific Regulatory Laws
Another limitation of product availability is the country of residence of the customer and/or affiliate. We have products that are not available to residents and citizens of the United States.
For example, the United States regulations forbid the sale of fully automated trading software in which the user has no involvement. This is for the protection of the citizens. We have designed the Manual Approval Versions (MAV) of our software tool to meet these regulations first by allowing access to modify many settings of the software. Second, the user must approve each trade through the use of the Customer Account Management Platform notification feature.
We fully intend to be compliant with each country's laws and regulations and will modify our plans to be compliant. We will announce as promptly as possible when users can expect a change to the software to maintain compliance. We will always seek to make changes when the Forex market is closed to avoid any disruption.
We've published a comprehensive article delving into the topic of Auvoria Prime's legality, available at this link.