Share Auvoria offers multiple different Funnels for the different products we have. Depending on which product you want to promote, we currently have a different Funnel for Kraitos and AP Opportunity. A Sales Funnel is a marketing term used to capture and describe potential customers' journey, from prospecting to purchase.
Here is how the Funnels work :
First, you need to choose which Funnel you would like to Share:
Next, copy the link for your funnel and send it to a potential customer you want to work with.
This is what the customer sees on their end. They have a page with a short video and a few details about the product.
After filling out the form, they are taken to another page and can sign up directly. They also receive an email automatically from your personal email.
This is a great way to captivate new and potential clients. All the information they enter here will be found under Contacts.