Contacts is where all the data collected from the Funnels will be stored. You have many options to help grow your team and business here.
When you click Actions, you have multiple options for what to do with the Contact.
Clicking on View will give you a lot of data the customer has entered, such as Name, Email, Phone Number, and which Funnel they've filled, so you know which product they're interested in and which email they received.
The Edit option from your Actions will help you further personalize this contact. You can add custom fields to help you remember and connect with the customer, which has great value when building your team.
We've added a few custom fields to show you how this can be used so you can have more data about your clients, which would help build a closer bond with your clients.
After you enter this in Edit, the information in View will update to look like this.
Also, you can add Notes to track your progress with the client.